City time web clock
City time web clock

Just tap on ‘Today’ to select any future date. To be certain that the two hour overlap between your working day and your colleagues abroad still exists next month, you can quickly check that with Horzono. Luckily, the Horzono app automatically compensates for any applicable daylight saving time in any city, and handles all calculations for you.Įasily view times for a future date to be sure This means that the time difference between two locations can vary depending on which date it is. Not all countries have DST and the ones that do, use it during one of fifteen possible periods in the year. The result is a one hour later sunset, which means less electricity is used for lighting in the evening.ĭST: time differences can vary per day of the year This means changing the clock from end of spring until early autumn, for all or part of the country. Check time differences on any future dateĪbout 70 of the approximately 200 coutnries in the world, observe Daylight Saving Time (DST), also called ‘summer time’. This helps you to select the best time for a call in case of an exceptionally late or early shift. In another set of five locations, you can select any location again and choose a different period.

city time web clock

Same locations but different availability periods You can adjust this via the Settings screen. The default availability period is 08:30 AM until 5:00 PM. In this way you can see the overlap in available hours for an international call based on realistic available hours per location. This immediately changes the position and length of the coloured bar for that location. Here you find the option to adjust the period that you can contact this location. Set available hours per locationĪ tap on any city name opens the Location Details window of the Horzono time zone calculator app. The number of visible hours you select this way is saved and can be different for every set of five locations. You can also zoom in to view a minimum of 8 hours, which makes selecting an exact time by dragging the coloured bars somewhat easier. This helps to find the best overlapping time for locations very far from each other. You can zoom out to see a maximum of 16 hours at the same time. Pinch to see more or less hours of coloured barsīy default, the Horzono world clock app shows overap of time zones in a 12 hour wide window. Even from a totally different country than these two. Questions like: “if it whas this time in Madrid, Spain, would it then be morning or afternoon in Bangalore, India?” can be answered with ease using the Horzono time zone compare app. To better understand time differences, you can select any city you like as reference. If you travel, select another reference location when you arrive by tapping on a grey ‘home’ icon. Just make sure the ‘home’ icon is selected (coloured) in front of the city where you are now, or any city which you know has the same time as your iPhone. Then Horzono does all time zone calculations for you. The Horzono app does not need to know your location. Tap a grey home icon to set a new reference city

city time web clock

See the local weather (only if Wifi or mobile internet is available).Check if this location might not be available due to weekend or national public holiday.So it reflects the actual period your friends or colleagues are available. Adjust the starting time and length of the coloured bar of this city.So you can select another fifth city in this set. Remove the location from the selection.Tap a city name to view the location details screen.

City time web clock